Monthly Archives: June 2010

#2 (with a bullet)

I can cross off adventure #2 from my list. I just purchased my tickets for my “International Espionage” trip. I will be flying into to Madrid and leaving from Munich, after I have experienced Oktoberfest!

The details of this trip are still sketchy at best.  I know where I will begin and where I will end, what happens in the middle is still up in air and up for discussion. I’m up for suggestions. Seriously, if anyone knows where I can catch a hot air balloon on my journey, please let me know!

Now that I have the main expense out of the way, I only need to start booking hostels and travel arrangements during my stay. This is my least favorite part. I love event planning, but I’m not so big on making these types of plans for myself. I’m too spur-of-the-moment and I like to change my mind. Given the time to think about something long enough, I will invariably check every angle that I can approach a topic, weigh the pros and cons, make a decision, and then start the process over and over again.

I will also have a travel companion, not something that I had planned for. I’m glad to have the company and slightly nervous about this as well.  As I stated in the first post, I was curious to see who would be sharing along in my adventures. So far, two adventures planned, two wonderful people taking part.

In other news, I’m not doing so well sticking to a regime of running. I will say that I completed a three mile run in 37:37. Not too shabby, but not great either.  This run was on a treadmill and I know that on the road, this time is not very likely. I plan on running once I get out of work today and lots over the weekend as well.

Off to start planning another adventure…

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Posted by on June 25, 2010 in Adventure


Slow Going…

I’m taking on another challenge, running a 5K. I have two months to train for a run on the 28th of August. I”m excited and nervous.

I can’t run to save my life. Its odd though, I can run all day (alright, so I might be exaggerating just a little) on the treadmill, but I can’t run for more than 2 minutes out in the real world.  I don’t know what it is. But I start going and I feel good, then all of the sudden I can’t breathe and my legs feel like I’m wading through glue. All of that in less than 2 minutes.

One might ask why then try to run a 5K? Just to prove to myself that I can. I’ve asked a friend of mine to help me train. He’s been involved in a half marathon before and even though he hasn’t been a regular runner in a while, I feel confident that with his help I will be able to cross the finish line.

I need to train with someone who won’t let me quit so easily, that will call me out when I start slacking, and yet makes me feel like I can do this.  Today will begin my own rigorous training for this event. I plan on spending a lot of time in the gym in the upcoming months (and on the road too).

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Posted by on June 21, 2010 in Uncategorized